Taeyong's Sweet Tooth Adventure feat. Jaehyun
Waffle House
2025 Bolton Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 USA
Taeyong and Jaehyun visited the iconic
Waffle House at 2025 Bolton Rd. Located in the southern region of the United
States, Waffle House has 1,900 locations across 25 states, and its
headquarters are in Norcross, Georgia in the Atlanta metropolitan area. With
its iconic sign visible in the background, a photo of Jaehyun was taken
across the street, most likely by Taeyong himself, who posted the picture on
his Instagram story.
Symbolizing the South, Waffle House is a cultural icon, and Taeyong and
Jaehyun's visit was surely an experience to remember.
เมมเบอร์ที่ไป : แจฮยอน, แทยง
ประเภทสถานที่ : ร้านอาหาร